Gussy-up your 80's plaques and crazy hats

My kids are great, and have loads of confidence in my abilities to create fanciness in no time flat. This is why they always wait until the last minute to tell me about contests at school. An example:

This morning, about ten minutes before their scheduled departure time, they announced that it was CRAZY HAT DAY today. I tried my hardest to plead the case of "no time to pull something together". They wouldn't buy it. So I did what any creative mother would do at the last minute. I threw a grocery bag on the boy's head, and a place-mat on the girl's head. (Mother of the year, here I come!) Luckily they were super excited about their new head-wear... what do you think?

Project time:

I found this great little plaque at a yard sale for a quarter.

I knew it would be an easy gussy-up, with a trip to my "spray paint place". I did a coat of primer on both pieces, and the screws. A creamy white coat on the wood, and aqua on the metal.

I distressed it a little, and put it all back together. A quick 10 minute project, and I have a fun "new" piece to decorate my home.